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TECHNOLOGY BY BARC (Baba Automic Resurch Centre)

  • Eliminates microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.

  • Removes impurities like arsenic, lead, cyanide and bromides.

  • Retains healthy minerals

  • Maintains healthy TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

as per WHO standards.

  • Improves filter life up to 10,000+ litres.


Silver nano ionization is a highly effective technology utilized in certain water purifiers to eliminate harmful microorganisms and disinfect water. This innovative process harnesses the powerful antibacterial properties of silver ions to effectively kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens commonly found in water.


The silver nano ionization process in water purifiers operates in the following manner:

1. *Nano-sized Silver Particles*: Silver nanoparticles, which are extremely small in size, are infused into the water purification system. These particles are so minuscule that they can remain suspended in the water for an extended period of time.

2. *Release of Silver Ions*: When water flows through the purification unit containing the silver nanoparticles, some particles release silver ions (Ag+). These positively charged ions possess strong antibacterial properties.

3. *Disinfection*: The silver ions released come into contact with bacteria and other pathogens in the water, disrupting their cell membranes and DNA, effectively killing them or rendering them unable to reproduce and cause harm.

4. *Residual Effect*: Silver nano ionization leaves a residual concentration of silver ions in the purified water, which helps to maintain water quality and prevent recontamination even after the water has left the purifier.


The benefits of Silver Nano Ionization in Water Purifiers are numerous:

- Effective Disinfection: Silver ions are effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, making them useful against a wide range of harmful substances.

- Long-lasting: The residual effect ensures continued protection against recontamination.

- Eco-friendly: The silver nano ionization process is environmentally friendly and does not involve the use of harsh chemicals.


However, it is important to note that while silver nano ionization can be an effective water purification method, it may not remove other types of contaminants like heavy metals, chemicals, or sediments. Often, water purifiers combine multiple technologies like activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, or UV treatment to achieve comprehensive water purification.


Before selecting a water purifier, it is crucial to consider the specific water quality in your area and the contaminants you need to target to ensure you choose the most suitable purification system for your requirements.


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